Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Saying Goodbye To Tuesday by Chrissie Manby!
Stupendo the dog has died. But that's just the beginning of his story.
What They Say:To love and protect. The code of the good dog is clear. When single mother Tuesday took on mongrel pup Stupendo, she made a friend for life. Through the best and the worst of times, Stupendo has been there for her. Ever faithful, ever loyal, ever true. Nothing could break their bond. Until last week.
Stupendo doesn't know why Tuesday is suddenly ignoring him or why his doggy antics no longer seem to soothe Baby William. It takes his worst enemy - the cat next door - to break the news that Stupendo has become a ghost.
Somehow left behind on Earth, Stupendo knows he has unfinished business. Enlisting the help of the community of animals in the neighbourhood, Stupendo must get to the bottom of the very human sadness that hangs over his old home and keeps him from saying goodbye to Tuesday.
What I Say:
Chrissie Manby is one of my longtime favourite authors and I love it when she has a new book out. Chris' books and dogs, perfect combo!
This story is so cleverly written. Reading from the poiny of view of a dog, and a dead dog at that, is really intriguing and different. Stupendo is the perfect companion and I adored him. His relationships within the story are just so wonderful. I cried far too many times to count!
There was nothing I didn't love about this story. (Except maybe one certain male character who I won't name.) If you are a dog lover or a book lover, you need to read this one! Chrissies' best yet! 11/10
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