What a day! As I've said before, I'm feeling really low at the moment. I'm at the point where I just don't want to be here anymore. But with the support and encouragement of the amazing people around me that I've reached out to, I have taken positive steps to safeguard myself. I had my 2nd counselling session today and told her everything. She advised me to speak to my solicitor (as the trial I'm facing in July is weighing heavily on my mind) and to contact the crisis team. Did both of those things today. Spent an hour with my solicitor and feel a bit more hopeful where that's concerned. I also spoke to my gp and we have increased my antidepressants.
I'm shattered, scared and still incredibly sad. But I'm doing my best to hang on and trying to believe I am worthy of the concern, support, care and love that's being shown.
I'm sharing this part of my journey to help end stigma. It's ok not to be ok. There is support if you reach out, so please do. 💚
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