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Blog Tour Stop with Review - The Effortless Mind by Will Williams

Whether teaching meditation to 5000 people at Glastonbury, launching World Meditation Day from London’s Fabric nightclub or bringing people together in Berlin, San Francisco and LA to meditate; Will Williams is bringing meditation to the masses in a jargon-free, accessible way. Will has taught everyone from Kate Winslet and Basement Jaxx to the staff at Google, Spotify and Universal how to meditate with astounding results.  

An incredibly successful technique, long term sufferers of debilitating conditions including stress, insomnia, depression and anxiety have used Will’s unique Beeja meditation technique to transform their lives. Jargon-free and straight to the point, The Effortless Mind offers an accessible guide for those needing a breakthrough on challenges from anxiety to diet and addiction to trauma.  Will’s 20 minute Beeja meditation technique is hugely successful because it’s simple enough for beginners but quick enough for busy lives as it can be done literally anywhere, at your desk in the office, on the tube, even while flying.

Will’s meditation is a game changer - Jasmine Hemsley, author of East by West
A bulletproof technique to help you relax and unleash your best self - Madeleine Shaw, Get the Glow
A lifelong tool that has brought me calm, clarity and increased creativity - Emine Rushton, Psychologies
Meditating with Will gave me new ideas for songs and books - Howard Donald, Take That

2ND MAY 2019 | PAPERBACK | £9.95 | S&S

The modern meditation technique that will change your life for good

Will Williams has taught thousands of everyday people to meditate with astounding results. Long term sufferers of debilitating conditions including insomnia, depression and anxiety have used Will’s unique form of Beeja meditation to transform their lives.  Others have found a new sense of joy and fulfilment in their lives, and report becoming incredibly productive and creative at work and home.

Supported by scientific research, The Effortless Mind explains how Beeja meditation soothes and calms both the mind and the central nervous system - with fast-acting, tangible results. Each chapter in the book is dedicated to a different problem created in our increasingly pressured and demanding world including addiction, divorce, and work-related stress. Compelling real life stories reveal how Beeja meditation can help overcome these traumatic situations and help improve relationships with both ourselves and others, with chapters on family, anger management, digestion and overeating.

Stories from the book include Nick, a banker and father of two who was admitted to psychiatric hospital for depression. Within two months of learning Will’s technique his anxiety had halved, his medication reduced and a month later he returned to work.  Then there is Mia, a medical researcher who suffered with chronic IBS.  With GPs dismissive and medication ineffective, Will’s meditation course led to results within 72 hours. Mia’s IBS clinic discharged her citing meditation as the catalyst.

Will’s meditation technique is so successful at calming the mind that he has become one of the UK’s leading meditation teachers and experts. Will teaches Beeja meditation to the world’s biggest brands including Google, Microsoft, BBC, Spotify, HSBC, Sony and Universal. His celebrated courses and retreats have taught film stars, musicians, business leaders, royals, politicians and explorers how to use his simple method to increase productivity, release potential and foster creativity.

“Jargon-free and straight to the point, The Effortless Mind offers an accessible guide for those
needing a breakthrough on challenges from anxiety to diet and addiction to trauma” Will Williams

Who is Will Williams?
A former music industry executive and insomnia sufferer, Will discovered meditation after he used it to cure his own chronic insomnia. Will William’s meditation expertise is based on over 11 years’ experience training with renowned meditation masters across the globe.  Will teaches classes and courses from his Beeja HQ in London and runs regular weekend retreats across the UK. Will leads a team of Beeja meditation teachers worldwide, and will be opening new centres in Berlin, New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles this year. Will founded World Meditation Day which takes place on the 15th of May, and this year will be launching the new BEEJA meditation app. Will is also working with the OECD to introduce meditation to all primary and secondary schools globally by 2030, with a trial initiative rolling out in 2020, with 20 schools in the UK expected to take part.   

What is Beeja Meditation?
We all have the ability to heal ourselves, and Beeja meditation gives you the tools to rest, reset and realign your mind and body for a calmer, more creative and fulfilled life.   Simple enough for beginners but quick enough for busy lives Beeja is a mantra-based meditation technique that can be done anywhere at any time, and is taught by Will in a super relevant, jargon-free way. Beeja meditation has been developed by Will over 11 years of training with the world’s leading teachers of meditation. The word Beeja is the name given to a group of mantra sounds from the Vedic tradition of meditation that are used by Will in his teaching.   

How does Beeja Meditation work?
Crucially, Will encourages meditators to become self-sufficient. With his Beeja mantra technique, you are given your own unique sound which you repeat in your mind for 20 minutes. Before you know it your mind drops into a deep meditative state, deeper and more restful than sleep. Will’s technique means you can meditate anywhere - on your commute, on a trans-Atlantic flight or at your desk. You don’t have to be in a quiet room, and you don’t have to cross your legs! Will recommends practicing for 20 minutes twice a day, when you wake up in the morning and before you eat in the evening, as meditating on an empty stomach helps to reset your digestive system. 

Will Williams on The Effortless Mind
“This year more than any other people feel more uneasy and anxious about the pressures of modern life and the complex world we all must now navigate. Being able to cut through the noise and take on challenges with the healthiest, fittest and ablest mind is vital. In ‘The Effortless Mind’, I’m thrilled to tell the story of our Beeja technique and the lives it has changed. Beeja meditation also offers an unmatched opportunity for those wanting to supercharge their life. My book shows how you can be more productive and creative – transforming your professional life, and opening up new ideas and opportunities in and out of work. I’m confident ‘The Effortless Mind’ will spark a new wave of interest in our technique, and change lives for the better.”
My Thoughts on the book:

I had no expectations when I opened this book. I hadn't heard of Will and have no knowledge of Beeja meditation so I was completely open-minded.

Initially it felt a bit like reading a text book but as I began to get into it more, it changed for me. The testimonials and case studies are incredibly moving and provide great insight into why and how people turn to Will and meditation. Some of them left me in tears, in particular, those dealing with anxiety and depression, which is what I've suffered from.

The practice of Beeja sounds very intriguing to me and I would love to be able to study with Will. He seems like an amazing man and he has done great things for and with many people. It's quite phenomenal reading about just how much meditation can change so much about us, our bodies, our lives and our minds. I don't think I realised the power we held within our minds.

All in all, I loved this book. It was a very interesting, insightful and enjoyable read and I think it will help many, many people. If you're struggling, whether it be physically or mentally, read this. I think you will take something away and it may just help you. I know it's helped me.   9/10

For all press enquiries please contact Tory Lyne-Pirkis at Midas PR


  1. There are several studies that affirm this theory. One of them, carried out by the American Lung Society, showed that meditation is even more effective than smoking cessation programs and, in addition, the duration of its effect is even greater than that of traditional treatments. This may be because meditation helps to unlink the desire for the act of smoking.


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