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Guest Post from Liz Tipping Author of Five go Glamping

I asked Liz to write a guest post for me to coincide with the publication of her debut novel, Five Go Glamping. We've been chatting about the fact that I live on a bus and what it's like to live in a small space, rather than just to spend a few days in one on holiday. This piece is exactly what I was talking about! I love it and I'm so glad Liz was willing to do this for me!

Five Go Glamping - The Blurb

Glamping Check list

Festival tickets Double check best Instagram filter Avoid thinking about work/Connor/five year plan!!

A four day break from her hectic life to relax in the countryside and hang out at a local festival (for free!) is just what Fiona Delaney needs. With her best friends, great tunes and a cool looking hat her Instagram shots are going to look A-Mazing!

Until suddenly glamping starts to feel a lot more like camping and Fiona’s in desperate search of a comfy chair, wi-fi and a chilled glass of wine. But when she finally makes it to the local pub she discovers this trip could be more than just a holiday, it might just change her life forever…

Want to Buy the Book?


Over To You Liz!

"We all begin with a love for smaller spaces. We make tents out of blankets as children. We love to play in Wendy Houses, tree houses and build dens in the woods. As adults, however, many of us lean towards thinking that bigger is better. If we’re in a flat, we want a house, if we are in a two bed terrace, we are sure a three bed semi would do. Once there, we’re sure a 4 bed detached would suit us just fine. Most people’s “If I Won The Lottery House” is usually bigger than the one they live in now. 
So why is it, that some people choose to live in these  smaller spaces like campervans, narrow boats and in Trish’s case- a bus? And why do the rest of us find it so fascinating? 

While I was researching Five Go Glamping, I filled my Glamping Pinterest board full of luxurious yurts, pretty bell tents, colourful VW campervans and stylish airstreams. 

In my novel, Fiona and her friends spend just one  weekend in a luxutious yurt, complete with twinkling fairy lights and bunting. I found during my research that many people are choosing these smaller spaces, not just as holiday accommodation, but as their full time homes.

Living in a smaller space means you have less stuff. Many of us fill our houses with stuff we don’t need and don’t use. Smaller home living often means you are making less choices on a daily basis as you’ll have less clothes to choose from and less kitchen paraphernalia to clutter up your cupboards. It’s living more simply.  
Another benefit of these smaller homes is the freedom to go anywhere. If you are living on a bus, in a campervan or on a narrow boat, you can move location whenever you want to. Some people choose to move to a smaller place so they can live just where they want to. Who wouldn’t want a beach hut in their favourite seaside town? 

My research into smaller homes has shown me a lot of people living this lifestyle enjoy the DIY aspect and relish the thought of getting their homes just how they want them. Those of you who watch Amazing Spaces will have marvelled at some of the ingenious multi-function spaces which can be created. We gasp at the Swiss Army Knife style designs as beds flip up to show a sunken sitting area or a door which opens at the back of a campervan revealing a fully functioning shower room. It’s all so clever and creative. How wonderful to put all our creative abilities and resourcefulness into something for ourselves – something we know we will love and appreciate.  It must be incredibly rewarding to use your brain power for creating a lovely home rather than using our skills and emotionally investing into jobs we may not even enjoy with bosses who do not appreciate us. And for many people, smaller home living can also mean financial freedom where you can leave those awful jobs and horrible bosses behind! While small home living can be a considerable financial investment, being mortgage or rent free is right up there with the goals most people want to achieve. 

The main question I guess we all ask ourselves when we watch Amazing Spaces and ogle those beautiful caravan interiors on Pinterest (and read Trish’s blog!)  is “Could we do it?” Could we leave our bricks and mortar homes and choose to live just how we wanted to? Are we brave enough?  I have seen Trish tweet that it’s the best thing she’s ever done. But I am not sure if I could do it? Could you?"

Thanks so much for agreeing to write this piece. Liz! I love this book and can't wait to read more from you!

Author Bio:

Liz Tipping writes romantic comedy. As well as reading and writing novels, Liz enjoys John Hughes films, science fiction box sets, reality television, Irish sausages and ginger beer.
Her debut novel Five Go Glamping is published by Carina and she is represented by Juliet Mushens. 

Twitter: @LizTipping


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